Our Program

Our Program

Program Implementation Approach

PIDA will continue to implement the above mentioned programs using Suitable procedures and rights based on approach of engagement with our beneficiaries. The approach shall among other issues embrace:-

Pastoralist child education

Education plays an important role in human development through the process of empowering people to improve their well-being and participate actively in nation building. However, the pastoralist areas, particularly the education is low in this part of the country and conditions for vulnerable students are even worse, many of them drop out of school before finished the primary due to a host of factors including early marriages, FGM, pregnancies, low community participation in education of their children , insecurity, nomadic lifestyle. Access to quality educations, retention and completion rate has remained very low in the regions despite free and compulsory policies adopted by the government. To achieve meaningful results there is need to build the capacity of the communities to appreciate not only education but also the fact that development and the future is in their hands.

PIDA has developed strategies to address these issues and hopes to achieve the following key results:-

WASH(Water & Sanitation)

Program aims at increased access to sustainable safe water, sanitation, and hygiene through rehabilitation /construction of water points, health, sanitation, awareness and education.

Expected results are as follows:-

Health and Nutrition

The Health and Nutrition programme seeks to promote the health and nutrition status of vulnerable people in south-eastern Ethiopia and especially the women and children. Optimal nutrition ensures proper development of a child’s brain and body cells, enabling them to grow into productive adults who can contribute to the development of their society. The health and general well-being of pregnant women and those in their reproductive years determines the health of the children they will bear.

Key issues supported include:-

Food Security & Livelihoods

The sector focuses on environment and sustainable livelihood development; a priority area of work includes:-

Women, Youth & Children Empowerments

The empowerment of women and girls is not only an important for an equitable society, it is essential to build stronger economies, achieve internationally agreed-upon development goals, and improve the quality of life of women, men, families, and communities.

PIDA promote Women’s Empowerment by offering them opportunities for leadership and full participation. Our programs advance these aims through:-

Orphans, widows & Elders

Capacity Building

Peace Building

Good Governance